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Number Theory Algorithms

Big integer calculator & some number theory algorithms in practise.



  • Add two big integer numbers.
  • Subtract two big integer numbers.
  • Multiply two big integer numbers.
  • Divide two big integer numbers.
  • Power of a big integer number (performance is based on the device).
  • Root of a big integer number (performance is based on the device).
  • GCD of two big integer numbers.
  • LCM of two big integer numbers.
  • Modulo of two big integer numbers.
  • Modulo inverse of two big integer numbers.
  • Check a big integer if is probable prime.
  • Next probable prime to a big integer.


  • Euclidean Algorithm, compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers a and b.
  • Extended Euclidean Algorithm, solve for x, y such as ax + by = gcd(a, b).
  • Linear Congruence, Solve for x, a congruence of the form ax ≡ b (mod m).
  • Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm, calculate quadratic residue modulo. Solve for x, a congruence of the form x² ≡ a (mod p) where p is prime.
  • Mod-Factors, calculate modular possible factors for a given number and a modulo. Find n ≡ bc (mod a) where (ax + c)(ay + b) = a(axy + bx + cy) + bc = n.
  • Primes List, list of primes ordered in columns.


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