Big integer calculator & some number theory algorithms in practise.
Add two big integer numbers.
Subtract two big integer numbers.
Multiply two big integer numbers.
Divide two big integer numbers.
Power of a big integer number (performance is based on the device).
Root of a big integer number (performance is based on the device).
GCD of two big integer numbers.
LCM of two big integer numbers.
Modulo of two big integer numbers.
Modulo inverse of two big integer numbers.
Check a big integer if is probable prime.
Next probable prime to a big integer.
Euclidean Algorithm, compute the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two numbers a and b.
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, solve for x, y such as ax + by = gcd(a, b).
Linear Congruence, Solve for x, a congruence of the form ax ≡ b (mod m).
Tonelli-Shanks Algorithm, calculate quadratic residue modulo. Solve for x, a congruence of the form x² ≡ a (mod p) where p is prime.
Mod-Factors, calculate modular possible factors for a given number and a modulo. Find n ≡ bc (mod a) where (ax + c)(ay + b) = a(axy + bx + cy) + bc = n.